Hollinden Point of View

The Power of Video

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Feb 13, 2018 10:26:29 PM

If you haven’t done so already, explore video as part of your marketing mix. Numerous studies show that, when given a choice, people prefer video to eblasts, white papers, case studies, demonstrations, webinars, and e-books (though those tactics should also play an important role in your marketing efforts).

• Homepage videos increase conversions by more than 20%, according to ReelSEO.

• When used on landing pages, conversions also increased by 20% or more per a 

  study by Unbounce.

On average, individuals watch more than 32 videos each month, according to a study released by comScore. YouTube is the third most-trafficked website and is home to the second largest search engine. It is estimated that there are more than 80 million videos accessible to more than one billion users. YouTube reaches more adults than any cable network. This isn’t an article about YouTube, the statistics on YouTube simply demonstrate the power of video.

Video works because it appeals to human nature: inherent laziness. Watching a video is easy, particularly since now one can watch just about anytime, anywhere, and on any device. According to behavioral scientist and psychologist, Dr. Susan Weinshank, the psychology behind the appeal of video is rather basic:

• Body language conveys emotion, which increases appeal.

• Our brains are hard-wired to tune in closely to the human face to gather 

  information, particularly the mouth and eyes.

• Eye contact enhances believability and the mouth often reveals the tone (serious, 

  friendly, etc).

• The human voice is perceived as highly meaningful and memorable.

• Movement grabs and keeps the viewer’s attention.

Six Compelling Benefits of Video Marketing

1. Search Engine Ranking: Getting your website to rank high is a moving target in the world of online marketing. Google and other search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to 1) circumvent those trying to shortcut the system, 2) reward those providing useful content, and most importantly, 3) deliver the desired content to the user. According to Adweek’s Social Times, adding video to a landing page makes it 53% more likely to appear on the first page of Google results. A thumbnail of the video is presented in the search engine results, making it stand out among the other listings and twice as likely to be selected.

2. Greater Engagement: Without question, high bounce rate and short website sessions are challenges when it comes to digital marketing. Video is proven to increase the stickiness of a site, getting visitors to spend more time on the site. Sites with video see visitors viewing 2.3 additional pages than sites with no video. The longer visitors stay on your site, the more opportunity for conversion.

3. Mobile Access: It is imperative to reach and engage mobile users. According to a recent Cisco forecast, more than 2/3 of the world’s mobile traffic will be used to access video. Click through rates for mobile video campaigns continue to rise and as we saw in the first item above, click through rate is hugely important to search engine ranking success.

4. Email Effectiveness: According to a survey by The Relevancy Group, email marketing gets a 55% higher click through rate when it includes video. By including video in introductory emails, the study shows opt out rates being reduced by as much as 75%.

5. Landing Page Conversions: The storytelling element of video brings landing pages to life and increases the likelihood that viewers will take the next step. Aberdeen Group’s “Analyzing the ROI of Video Marketing” claims average conversion for a website without video is just 2.9% compared to 4.8% for those with video.

6. Building Trust: Video is ideal for teaching people about your services in your own words. A name, face, and voice increases confidence in your expertise, breeds familiarity, and builds trust.

There are a number of easy, cost-effective ways to make professional, informative videos that will engage your audience, increase website traffic, and ultimately, increase revenue. If your company hasn’t yet tried video marketing, it’s time to start.

No need to have a big production, an iPhone 6 or 7 is all you need. Like all content marketing efforts, practice improves efficiency and effectiveness. You’ll find video will become a critical component of your content marketing programs—giving your company an ideal way to deliver the information prospects and clients crave. If you are wondering how to get started, give us a call. We’d love to help!