Hollinden Inbound Marketing for Professional Service Firms

Aggie 100 Highlights Aggie Business Success


The 13th annual Aggie 100 Gala took place on Friday, October 27th in the Hall of Champions at Kyle Field on the campus of Texas A&M University. Honorees and guests continued the celebration at an After Party at The Stella Hotel and more festivities ensued at the Aggie 100 tailgate prior to the Texas A&M / Mississippi State football game. 

The Aggie 100 identifies, recognizes, and celebrates the 100 fastest growing Aggie-owned or Aggie-led businesses in the world. Hollinden is responsible for the design of the event, right down to the award, which Christine Hollinden designed on a cocktail napkin. According to Christine, "There is nothing like getting a room of 750+ Aggies to wave their 12th Man
towels. Gig ‘em!"

2017 Aggie 100           Aggie 100 2017