Hollinden Inbound Marketing for Professional Service Firms



Believe it or not, your team poses the biggest threat to your team's success. Development is more than hiring for an open position. Are you giving your team the tools they need to be successful? Do you understand their motivations and reward them accordingly? Hollinden can help.

contact us to learn more

Engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave

Sadly, 70% of U.S. workers are not engaged at work.

Hollinden's TeamSuccess® seminar can help your firm get out of its own way.

Hollinden can help turn your website into a lead generation tool.




The full day TeamSuccess® seminar includes the following deliverables:

  • Individual Kolbe A and B results, as well as a copy of Bottom Lines (quick reference guide)

  • Introduction to key Kolbe concepts

  • Complete inventory and analysis of a team’s unique set of instinctive strengths

  • How to align natural abilities with personal expectations for individual performance and supervisors’ requirements for success

  • Diagnosis of group productivity challenges

  • Identification of team conflict and win/win resolutions

  • Methods to improve communication, barter talents, and organize efforts to achieve synergy

  • Leadership Analytics™ Report which identifies team members with high levels of conative stress, spreadsheet of strengths, team culture analysis, productivity factors, efficiency factors, and more.


download the Kolbe TeamSuccess  guide